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Poland, Spain protest Iow bid for Iraqi army deal


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The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Baghdad announced on 30 January that the largest tender to date for personal equipment, vehicles, communications equipment and light armament deliveries for the New Iraqi Army and Iraqi Civil Defense Corps was awarded to Nour USA amid calls that the bid was unrealistically low. Nour USA, based in Vienna, Virginia, was set up specifically to bid for Iraq deals. The company is backed by HAIFinance, a US-based private equity group, and Jordan-based conglomerate Munir Sukhtian Group. Nour USA tentatively won the tender for equipment with a bid of $327.5 million. It was the lowest of three shortlisted out of 19 bids. The other two came from a group of Spanish companies ($540 million) and Poland's PHZBumar ($558 million).
机译:1月30日,巴格达临时联合当局(CPA)宣布,迄今为止,为新伊拉克陆军和伊拉克民防队提供的个人设备,车辆,通信设备和轻型武器交付的最大招标是授予Nour USA的,出价过低。总部位于弗吉尼亚州维也纳的Nour USA专门为竞标伊拉克交易而设立。该公司得到了总部位于美国的私募股权集团HAIFinance和总部位于约旦的企业集团Munir Sukhtian Group的支持。 Nour USA暂时以3.275亿美元的价格中标了设备。这是19个竞标者中三个入围者中最低的一个。另外两个来自一组西班牙公司(5.4亿美元)和波兰的PHZBumar(5.58亿美元)。



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