首页> 外文期刊>Italian Economic Journal >To Bribe or Not to Bribe? An Experimental Analysis of Corruption

To Bribe or Not to Bribe? An Experimental Analysis of Corruption

机译:贿赂或不贿赂? 腐败实验分析

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We investigate the phenomenon of corruption in an experimental setting. The first treatment studies the role of reciprocity in establishing corrupt relationships between two agents. Corruption occurs when public officials accept bribes and reward the briber at the expenses of others. The second treatment introduces two features that negatively affect bribery: increasing the cost of bribery and introducing the monitoring agents. In this case, corruption occurs when the monitoring agent conceals the observed bribe-exchange. The last two treatments disentangle the effects of the two features affecting bribery. Our results show that high bribery cost and the presence of monitoring agents curb corrupt behaviors mildly. .
机译:我们调查实验环境中的腐败现象。 第一个治疗研究互惠在建立两个代理人之间的腐败关系方面的作用。 当公共官员接受贿赂并奖励他人的费用时,就会发生腐败。 第二种治疗引入了两种对贿赂产生负面影响的特征:增加贿赂成本并引入监测代理。 在这种情况下,当监测代理隐藏观察到的贿赂交易所时,会发生腐败。 最后两种治疗解除了影响贿赂的两个特征的影响。 我们的结果表明,高贿赂成本和监测代理人的存在抑制了腐败的行为。 。



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