首页> 外文期刊>Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering >Sulfate Resistance of Cementitious Mortar Based on Dune and Alluvial Sands in Hot Region

Sulfate Resistance of Cementitious Mortar Based on Dune and Alluvial Sands in Hot Region


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To protect natural sites from the excessive exploitation of the alluvial sand used in construction fields, many authors investigated the use possibility of the dune sand in concrete and cementitious mortars and showed that this material can be utilized as a fine aggregate or a substitution of the crushed sand. These results were used to develop alluvial-dune sand cementitious mortars which exhibited the best mechanical and physical properties behavior in short time. However, environmental factors' effects on the durability of dune-alluvial sand mortars in long term should be investigated. This paper presents an experimental investigation to formulate alluvial-dune sand mortars (composed from 40% of the alluvial sand and 60% of the dune sand) subjected to temperatures (20 degrees C and 50 degrees C) and magnesium sulfate attacks (10%MgSO4) during 60 days. Results showed that the alluvial-dune sand mortar formulated with and without the superplasticizer exhibits compressive strengths of 39.1 and 28.32 MPa at 28 days, respectively, which are 85% greater than that of the dune sand mortar (MSD) found equal to 15.3 MPa. However, the flexural strengths of the both mortars with and without the superplasticizer were 7.35 MPa and 6.69 MPa at 28 days, respectively. Furthermore, both the dune-alluvial sand mortars with and without the superplasticizer immersed in magnesium sulfate attack at 50 degrees C, exhibited a maximum strength reduction rate of 50% in compressive strength and 54% in flexural strength.
机译:为了保护自然部位从建筑领域使用的冲积沙的过度开发,许多作者调查了沙丘沙子在混凝土和水泥砂浆中的可能性,并显示出这种材料可以用作细骨料或碎屑的替代物沙。这些结果用于开发出蓝藻砂水泥砂浆,在短时间内表现出最佳的机械和物理性能行为。然而,应研究环境因素对长期沙丘冲积砂浆的耐久性的影响。本文提出了一种实验研究,用于制定冲积 - 沙丘砂浆(由40%的挤出砂和60%的沙丘组成)进行温度(20℃和50℃)和硫酸镁发作(10%MgSO4 )在60天内。结果表明,用超级塑化剂配制的冲积 - 沙丘砂浆,分别在28天的抗压强度下表现出39.1和28.32MPa的抗压强度,比发现等于15.3MPa的沙丘砂砂浆(MSD)大85%。然而,28天分别在28天的28天具有和不具有高超塑化剂的迫击炮的弯曲强度为7.35MPa和6.69MPa。此外,在50℃下浸入硫酸镁发作中的沙丘冲积砂浆两者都浸入硫酸镁发作中,抗压强度的最大强度降低率为50%,弯曲强度为54%。



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