首页> 外文期刊>International review of electrical engineering >A Novel Approach for Optimal Determination of Number of Distributed Generation Units Along with their Sizes and Locations

A Novel Approach for Optimal Determination of Number of Distributed Generation Units Along with their Sizes and Locations


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The optimal allocation of Distributed Generation (DG) has attracted many researchers' attention recently due to its ability to obviate defects caused by improper installation of this equipment. This paper presents an advanced two-layer method for optimal determination of number, capacity and location of DG units in power systems. The interior layer which concerns with improvement of voltage profile and minimization of power losses and costs, determines the optimal locations and sizes; whilst, the exterior layer sets optimal number of DG units. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Clonal Selection Algorithm (CLONALG) are two methods which have been applied to either minimize or maximize different objective functions in previous studies. In this study, the Combination of Particle Swarm Optimization and Clonal Selection Algorithm (PCLONALG) is utilized as a solving tool in both layers to acquire superior solutions. The approach method has the preferences of both previous techniques. Finally, the application of the proposed technique is demonstrated in two typical networks. The experimental results illustrate that the two-layer method, without any simplifying assumptions, has an impressive ability to find the best number of DG units along with their best sizes and locations.



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