首页> 外文期刊>International Ophthalmology >Effects of Systemic Octreotide, Local Mytomycine-C and Local Corticosteroids on Wound-Healing Reaction after Glaucoma Surgery

Effects of Systemic Octreotide, Local Mytomycine-C and Local Corticosteroids on Wound-Healing Reaction after Glaucoma Surgery


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Purpose: To determine and compare the effectiveness of octreotide,mitomycine-C and corticosteroids on wound-healing reaction after glaucomasurgery. Methods: A full thickness scleral trephination was carriedout by the same surgeon on tour groups of six rabbits. A sponge soaked inmytomicine-C was applied subconjunctivally in group 1 before trephination.Group 2 received corticosteroid drops tid topically for 14 days. Group 3 received subcutaneous octreotide injections tid for 14 days. The controlgroup (group 4) was not given any drug that may interfere with wound healing.All groups received gentamycine drops tid for seven days. The rabbits wereSacrificed on the fourteenth day and the trephination area with overlyingconjunctiva was excised. The samples were prefixed with glutaraldehyde,dehydrated and embedded in Araldite Cy 212. Ten semithin sections stainedwith toluidin blue were analysed for each group. Fibroblast and macrophagecounts were performed on the surgical site and subconjunctival area.Results: Intensive fibroblastic activity, increased number of vessels andactive macrophages were observed only in group 4. The fibroblast and macrophagedensities in this group were significantly higher than the other three groups inwhich wound healing was modulated (p < 0.001). Mean number of fibroblasts ingroup 1 was also significantly less than the ones of groups 2 and 3(p < 0.01). Macrophage densities were similar in groups 1, 2 and 3. No statistical significance was found between groups 2 and 3 by means offibroblast and macrophage densities. Conclusion: Octreotide reducedwound-healing reaction in a similar fashion to corticosteroids ormitomycine-C. These initial results seem promising.
机译:目的:确定和比较奥曲肽,丝裂霉素-C和皮质类固醇对青光眼手术后伤口愈合反应的有效性。方法:由同一名外科医生对六只兔子的旅行团进行全层巩膜硬化术。组1在结扎前在结膜下使用海绵浸润的Mytomicine-C进行治疗,第2组接受局部14天的糖皮质激素治疗。第3组接受皮下注射奥曲肽治疗14天。对照组(第4组)未服用任何可能会影响伤口愈合的药物。所有组均接受了庆大霉素滴鼻涕治疗,持续7天。在第14天处死兔子,并切除结膜上覆有覆盖层的脱色区域。样品以戊二醛为前缀,脱水并包埋在Araldite Cy 212中。每组分析十个用甲苯胺蓝染色的半薄切片。结果:仅在第4组中观察到强烈的成纤维细胞活性,增加的血管数目和活动性巨噬细胞。该组的成纤维细胞和巨噬细胞数量显着高于伤口愈合的其他三组。被调制(p <0.001)。第1组的成纤维细胞平均数也显着少于第2和第3组(p <0.01)。第1、2和3组的巨噬细胞密度相似。在第2和第3组之间,通过成纤维细胞和巨噬细胞密度没有发现统计学意义。结论:奥曲肽以与皮质类固醇oromyomycine-C类似的方式减少伤口愈合反应。这些初步结果似乎很有希望。



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