
Guest editorial


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About the Guest Editors Joseann Small is a Temporary Lecturer in Marketing at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados. Having begun her career as a management consultant, she entered academia in 1995. She has published in international journals in the areas of international marketing and international branding. This is her first editorial experience. Professor T.C. Melewar (BSc, MBA, PhD) is a Professor of Marketing and Strategy at Brunei Business School, Brunei University, London, UK. He has previous experience at Warwick Business School, UK, MARA Institute of Technology, Malaysia, Loughborough University, UK and De Montfort University, UK. TC's research interests include corporate branding/identity, marketing communications and international marketing strategy. He has published in the Journal of International Business Studies, International Marketing Review, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Global Marketing, Corporate Reputation Review, International Journal of Market Research and International Journal of Advertising among others. TCis the Joint Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Brand Management and in the Editorial Advisory Board for: Journal of Marketing Communications, Corporate Reputation Review, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Corporate Communications: An International Journal and the Journal of Euro-Marketing.
机译:关于来宾编辑Joseann Small是位于巴巴多斯Cave Hill的西印度群岛大学的市场营销临时讲师。她从担任管理顾问的职业生涯开始,于1995年进入学术界。她在国际市场营销和国际品牌领域的国际期刊上发表文章。这是她的第一次编辑经验。 TC教授Melewar(理学学士,工商管理硕士,博士学位)是英国伦敦文莱大学文莱商学院市场与战略教授。他曾在英国华威商学院,马来西亚MARA理工学院,英国拉夫堡大学和英国戴蒙福特大学工作。 TC的研究兴趣包括企业品牌/身份,营销传播和国际营销策略。他曾在《国际商业研究杂志》,《国际市场评论》,《欧洲市场杂志》,《全球市场杂志》,《企业声誉评论》,《国际市场研究杂志》和《国际广告杂志》上发表文章。 TC是《品牌管理杂志》和《市场营销通讯》,《企业声誉评论》,《市场情报与计划》,《企业传播:国际期刊》和《欧洲营销杂志》的编辑咨询委员会的联合主编。



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