首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Theoretical Physics >The Influences of the Selective Atomic Measurement on Entanglement Properties in the System of Three Atoms Trapped in Two Distant Cavities Connected by an Optical Fiber

The Influences of the Selective Atomic Measurement on Entanglement Properties in the System of Three Atoms Trapped in Two Distant Cavities Connected by an Optical Fiber


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Three two-level atoms are trapped in two initially empty cavities connected by an optical fiber. The entanglement evolution between two atoms in the same cavity and the entanglement evolution between two cavities are investigated. The influence of the state-selective measurement of the atom trapped in the other cavity on the entanglement and that of fiber-cavity coupling coefficient on the entanglement are discussed. The results obtained show that atom-atom entanglement property is strengthened, and cavity-cavity entanglement property is weakened with increasing of the cavity-fiber coupling coefficient. On the other hand, the results also show that the entanglement between two cavities and that between two atoms in the same cavity can be strengthened through the state-selective measurement on the atom trapped in the other cavity.



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