首页> 外文期刊>International journal of technology policy and law >IT governance in the Brazilian central government: developments and constraints

IT governance in the Brazilian central government: developments and constraints


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This paper is based on a case study conducted from October 2011 to August 2012 in the Secretariat for Logistics and Information Technology (SLTI) of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management in Brazil. SLTI was successful in improving IT governance in the central government from the mid-2000s onwards, through the adoption of initiatives focused on: 1) enacting, disseminating and enforcing rules and regulations; 2) human resources training and skill development; 3) providing technical assistance through consultancies. The Secretariat effectively disseminated throughout public bodies of the central government the importance of establishing IT committees, conducting IT procurement planning and designing an IT strategy. Nonetheless, this study also shows a number of drawbacks that need to be addressed to further improve IT governance in the Brazilian central government. Particularly, it is necessary to increase the participation of non-IT management staff in the IT committees as a way of promoting greater alignment between IT strategies and organisational objectives and to intensify communication exchange between IT divisions in order to avoid duplication of procurement procedures and inefficient allocation of financial and human resources.
机译:本文基于2011年10月至2012年8月在巴西计划,预算和管理部物流与信息技术秘书处(SLTI)进行的案例研究。通过采取以下措施,SLTI从2000年代中期开始成功地改善了中央政府的IT治理:1)制定,传播和执行法规。 2)人力资源培训和技能开发; 3)通过咨询提供技术帮助。秘书处在中央政府的各个公共机构中有效地传播了建立信息技术委员会,进行信息技术采购计划和设计信息技术战略的重要性。尽管如此,该研究还显示了一些缺陷,需要进一步解决以进一步改善巴西中央政府的IT治理。特别是,有必要增加非IT管理人员在IT委员会中的参与,以促进IT战略与组织目标之间的更好协调,并加强IT部门之间的交流,以避免采购程序重复和效率低下。分配财政和人力资源。



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