首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of STD & AIDS >Sexually transmitted infections among pregnant heroin- or cocaine-addicted women in treatment: the significance of psychiatric co-morbidity and sex trade

Sexually transmitted infections among pregnant heroin- or cocaine-addicted women in treatment: the significance of psychiatric co-morbidity and sex trade


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Psychiatric co-morbidity and sex trade were tested as correlates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among 76 pregnant heroin- or cocaine-dependent women. Participants were recruited from a drug treatment programme and attended a clinician-administered assessment including the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-IV-TR) and self-report questionnaires about lifetime histories of sex trade and STIs (i.e. gonorrhoea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, genital warts or trichomonas). Lifetime and six month rates of STIs were 53.9% and 18.4%, respectively. The majority of women also had lifetime histories of psychiatric co-morbidity (61.8%) and/or sex trade (60.5%). Participants with psychiatric co-morbidity (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 3.9; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.3–11.6) and/or sex trade (AOR 3.2; 95% CI 1.1–9.5) were more likely to report STIs during their lifetime compared with those without such histories while controlling for age, education and race/ethnicity. Results suggest that as many as one-in-five pregnant heroin- or cocaine-dependent women in treatment have one or more STIs that are concurrent with their pregnancy and may contribute to risk for contracting HIV and pregnancy complications; psychiatric co-morbidity and/or sex trade were associated with greater STI risk. Findings underscore the importance of identifying and addressing co-morbid psychiatric disorders and sex trade behaviour in this population.
机译:在76名怀孕的依赖海洛因或可卡因的孕妇中,将精神病合并症和性交易作为性传播感染(STIs)的相关性进行了测试。从药物治疗计划中招募了参与者,并参加了由临床医生管理的评估,包括DSM-IV的结构化临床访谈(SCID-IV-TR)和有关性交易和性传播感染(例如淋病,梅毒,衣原体,疱疹,尖锐湿疣或滴虫)。性传播感染的终生率和六个月率分别为53.9%和18.4%。大多数妇女还具有精神病合并症(61.8%)和/或性交易(60.5%)的终生病史。患有精神病合并症(调整后的优势比[AOR] 3.9; 95%的置信度[CI] 1.3-11.6)和/或性交易(AOR 3.2; 95%CI 1.1-9.5)的参与者在他们的报告期间更容易报告性传播感染与没有这些历史记录的人相比,他们的一生能控制年龄,教育程度和种族/民族。结果表明,接受治疗的多达五分之一的怀孕海洛因或可卡因依赖妇女中有一种或多种性传播感染与她们的怀孕同时发生,可能增加感染艾滋病毒和怀孕并发症的风险;精神病合并症和/或性交易与更大的性传播感染风险相关。研究结果强调了识别和解决该人群中合并症的精神病和性交易行为的重要性。



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