首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics >Applying QFD to assess quality of short sea shipping: an empirical study on Cross-Strait high-speed ferry service between Taiwan and Mainland China

Applying QFD to assess quality of short sea shipping: an empirical study on Cross-Strait high-speed ferry service between Taiwan and Mainland China


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The aim of this paper is to improve the quality of high-speed ferry service between Mainland China and Taiwan. Since 2014, a shipping company in Taiwan has formally served the Taipei-Pingtan route connecting the Cross-Strait passengers and cargo. Compared with air transportation, the high-speed vessel industry is particularly characterised by its relatively cheaper prices and convenience. Tourist passengers are now the main users of high-speed ferry service, and the number of business passengers still has the potential to grow. This research applies quality function deployment (QFD) to transform the voice of passengers to prioritise key technical measures for quality improvement. An empirical study is performed to evaluate the service quality of an anonymous entity in Taiwan. Through completing the house of quality (HoQ), important technical measures such as 'professional crew and staff training in etiquette', 'no. of internal seminars and meetings for customer service', and 'ISO certificate and quality manual' are the main findings to improve the high-speed ferry service quality and its implications are revealed for practitioners, policy-makers and other stakeholders in relation to the high-speed ferry industry.
机译:本文的目的是提高中国大陆和台湾之间的高速渡轮服务质量。自2014年以来,台湾的一家航运公司正式送达台北平途径,连接两岸乘客和货物。与空运相比,高速血管行业的特点是其价格相对便宜和便利。旅游乘客现在是高速渡轮服务的主要用户,商业乘客的数量仍然有可能成长。本研究适用质量函数部署(QFD)来改造乘客的声音,以优先考虑质量改进的关键技术措施。进行了实证研究,以评估台湾匿名实体的服务质量。通过完成质量(HOQ)的房屋,重要的技术措施,如“礼仪中的专业工作人员和员工培训”,“没有。客户服务的内部研讨会和会议,以及“ISO证书和质量手册”是提高高速渡轮服务质量的主要调查结果,并为从业者,政策制定者和其他利益相关者揭示了与高高的影响 - 速度渡轮工业。



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