首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Project Management >Raising team social capital with knowledge and communication in information systems development projects

Raising team social capital with knowledge and communication in information systems development projects


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Information systems development is a knowledge intensive collaboration project demanding high level of team social capital especially between business and technology experts. In this study, team social capital is conceptualized with three sub-constructs: social ties, trust and shared vision. Knowledge and communication by business and technology experts are hypothesized as critical antecedents of team social capital leading to team performance. A survey has been conducted collecting data from pairs of business and technology experts in 126 project teams. Data analysis largely confirmed the research model. Social ties seem to precede shared vision and trust. Trust seems to have a stronger association with the performance compared with shared vision. Knowledge and communication of both parties are found to be important, but, interestingly, business professionals' knowledge and communication seem to have a stronger influence in forming the team social capital. Implications and further studies are discussed with limitations. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
机译:信息系统开发是一个知识密集型协作项目,需要高水平的团队社会资本,尤其是在业务和技术专家之间。在这项研究中,团队社会资本被概念化为三个子结构:社会联系,信任和共同愿景。业务和技术专家的知识和交流被认为是导致团队绩效的团队社会资本的关键前提。已经进行了一项调查,收集了来自126个项目团队的业务和技术专家对的数据。数据分析很大程度上证实了该研究模型。社会纽带似乎先于共同的愿景和信任。与共同的愿景相比,信任似乎与绩效有着更强的联系。双方的知识和沟通很重要,但有趣的是,业务专业人员的知识和沟通似乎在形成团队的社会资本方面具有更强的影响力。含意和进一步研究受到限制。 (c)2014爱思唯尔有限公司APM和IPMA。版权所有。



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