首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Project Management >Negotiating reciprocal relationships: Practices of engaged scholarship in project studies

Negotiating reciprocal relationships: Practices of engaged scholarship in project studies


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Engaged scholarship is frequently being advocated to bridge the knowledge gap between academic scholars and project practitioners. Through the methodology of engaged scholarship academics establish a reciprocal relationship with the project community while adhering to the standards of quality scholarship. Notwithstanding its growing popularity, in project studies we do not learn much about the practices involved in engaged scholarship, neither is the concept theoretically well developed. We argue that, to further the project studies debate, methodological reflection on the reciprocal relationship between academics and practitioners is needed. For this purpose, we provide an analytical framework containing four elements; goals, negotiation practices, reciprocity typology and outcomes of project studies. We then use this framework to analyze three engaged project studies. The paper contributes to project studies with an enhanced concept of engaged scholarship containing three types of reciprocity; generalized, balanced and negative reciprocity. Furthermore, we found that a reciprocal relationship is negotiated and changes over time. We identified four mechanisms that negatively impact the academic and practical outcomes of engaged scholarship studies. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd, APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
机译:经常提倡聘用奖学金来弥合学术学者和项目从业者之间的知识鸿沟。通过聘用奖学金学者的方法,学者们在遵守高质量奖学金标准的同时,与项目社区建立了互惠关系。尽管它越来越流行,但在项目研究中,我们对参与式奖学金的实践了解不多,理论上也没有很好地发展这一概念。我们认为,为了进一步进行项目研究辩论,需要对学者与实践者之间的相互关系进行方法论上的反思。为此,我们提供了一个包含四个要素的分析框架。目标,谈判实践,互惠类型和项目研究的结果。然后,我们使用此框架来分析三个参与的项目研究。本文为项目研究做出了贡献,增强了参与奖学金的概念,其中包括三种互惠类型。广义的,平衡的和负面的互惠。此外,我们发现,相互关系经过协商并随时间而变化。我们确定了四种对参与奖学金研究的学术和实践成果产生负面影响的机制。 (C)2019爱思唯尔有限公司,APM和IPMA。版权所有。



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