首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management >Accounting Standards and Earnings Quality - Evidence from Registered ADRs

Accounting Standards and Earnings Quality - Evidence from Registered ADRs


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This paper examines the changes in earnings quality of registered American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) as a result of switching accounting standards. We aim to shed light on the potential impact of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) adoption on US firms. A suboptimal approach to achieve this goal is through examination of US firms' surrogates such as ADRs. Unlike previous studies, we made a distinction between registered and unregistered ADRs and affirmed that registered ADRs are the closest surrogates with which to conduct our analysis because they are exclusively required to adhere to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)'s stringent disclosure requirements. When cross-listing their equity on the US exchanges, foreign issuers can file their financial reports with the SEC using IFRS, US GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles), or their domestic GAAP with reconciliation to US GAAP. An improvement in earnings quality is documented when ADRs adopt US GAAP or IFRS versus domestic GAAP. However, when the comparison is made between US GAAP and IFRS, no difference in earnings quality is documented. These results indicate that switching to high-quality accounting standards is likely to improve earnings quality. This improvement is maximized when the difference between reporting standards is high and minimized if otherwise. Our conclusion is that the adoption of IFRS in the US is unlikely to change earnings quality of local issuers. Moreover, we drew a distinction between reconciliation with and adoption of high-quality accountings standards and find that while the former can enhance earnings quality, the latter can further improve it.
机译:本文研究了由于转换会计准则而导致的美国存托凭证(ADR)收入质量的变化。我们旨在阐明采用国际财务报告准则(IFRS)对美国公司的潜在影响。实现此目标的次佳方法是检查美国公司的替代品,例如ADR。与以前的研究不同,我们区分了已注册和未注册的美国存托凭证,并确认已注册的美国存托凭证是进行我们分析的最接近的替代品,因为它们仅需遵守美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的严格披露要求。在美国交易所交叉交易其股票时,外国发行人可以使用IFRS,US GAAP(通常公认的会计原则)或与美国GAAP核对的本国GAAP向SEC提交财务报告。当美国预托证券采用美国GAAP或IFRS相对于美国国内GAAP时,收入质量得到了改善。但是,当比较美国公认会计原则和国际财务报告准则时,没有记录到收入质量的差异。这些结果表明,改用高质量会计准则可能会改善收入质量。当报告标准之间的差异较大时,此改进将最大化,否则将其最小化。我们的结论是,在美国采用IFRS不太可能改变本地发行人的收益质量。此外,我们在对帐与采用高质量会计准则之间进行了区分,发现前者可以提高收入质量,而后者可以进一步提高收入质量。



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