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The effect of integrated product development on efficiency and innovation


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This study tested the effect of integrated product development (IPD) on the efficiency and innovation displayed in new product development (NPD) projects. IPD refers to the overlap, parallel execution, and concurrent workflow of activities. More than 600 employees from 62 R&D projects in one large hi-tech electronics organisation participated in the study. The degree to which the projects had actual IPD, innovated and worked efficiently were measured using the organisation's data collection system and questionnaires. Analysis was conducted at the project level. Seven regression models, as well as multiple comparison tests, were applied. The findings suggest that IPD is positively associated with efficiency and negatively with innovation. However, the trade-off between efficiency and, innovation in NPD projects can be balanced, if the IPD level of implementation is tailored to the NPD project stages. Specifically, to successfully complete an NPD project, the emphasis in early stages must be on innovation so that it can assist teams seeking new ideas. Hence, management should implement a low level of IPD at this point. In later stages efficiency must be emphasised so it assists control, and co-ordination, and consequently, IPD should be implemented intensively.
机译:这项研究测试了集成产品开发(IPD)对新产品开发(NPD)项目中展示的效率和创新的影响。 IPD是指活动的重叠,并行执行和并发工作流。一家大型高科技电子组织的62个研发项目的600多名员工参加了这项研究。使用组织的数据收集系统和调查表来衡量项目具有实际IPD,创新和有效工作的程度。在项目级别进行了分析。应用了七个回归模型以及多个比较测试。研究结果表明,IPD与效率成正比,与创新成反比。但是,如果IPD的实施水平适合NPD项目阶段,则可以平衡NPD项目的效率与创新之间的权衡。具体而言,要成功完成NPD项目,早期阶段的重点必须放在创新上,以便它可以帮助团队寻求新想法。因此,管理层此时应实施较低级别的IPD。在以后的阶段中必须强调效率,以便它有助​​于控制和协调,因此,IPD应该得到密集实施。



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