首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Production Research >The mutation of the Toyota Production System: adapting the TPS at Hyundai Motor Company

The mutation of the Toyota Production System: adapting the TPS at Hyundai Motor Company


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This paper examines the spread of Toyota Production System (TPS) through Korea, by focusing on the experience of Hyundai Motor Company. Drawing upon data obtained from field research, this case study interprets the adoption of TPS from an evolutionary perspective, arguing that the emulation of TPS should not entail adopting TPS as Toyota developed it originally, but to develop one's own production model. Over the past 40 years, Hyundai has developed its own production model, Hyundai Production System (HPS), initially emulating TPS, followed by re-interpreting and modifying TPS to adapt to the company's unique circumstances. HPS is a mutated form of TPS. The Hyundai case reveals that the adoption of TPS involves a complex evolutionary process of organizational learning and interpretation. This case sheds light on the possibility of various paths toward lean production, and demonstrates that both external and internal factors combine to form a complicated causal chain, influencing the 'mutated' emulation of TPS and generating a certain pattern of path-dependence in the evolutionary trajectory of a particular production model.
机译:本文着眼于现代汽车公司的经验,研究了丰田生产系统(TPS)在韩国的传播。该案例研究利用从现场研究中获得的数据,从进化的角度解释了TPS的采用,认为TPS的仿真不应该像丰田最初开发TPS那样采用TPS,而是要开发自己的生产模型。在过去的40年中,现代汽车开发了自己的生产模型现代生产系统(HPS),最初模仿TPS,然后重新解释和修改TPS以适应公司的独特情况。 HPS是TPS的突变形式。现代案例表明,TPS的采用涉及组织学习和解释的复杂进化过程。该案例揭示了实现精益生产的各种途径的可能性,并证明了外部和内部因素共同形成了一个复杂的因果链,影响了TPS的“突变”模拟,并在进化过程中产生了某种路径依赖模式特定生产模型的轨迹。



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