Abst'/> Supply chain risk network management: A Bayesian belief network and expected utility based approach for managing supply chain risks
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Supply chain risk network management: A Bayesian belief network and expected utility based approach for managing supply chain risks


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AbstractThe paper develops and operationalises a supply chain risk network management (SCRNM) process that captures interdependencies between risks, multiple (potentially conflicting) performance measures and risk mitigation strategies within a (risk) network setting. The process helps in prioritising risks and strategies specific to the decision maker's risk appetite. The process is demonstrated through a case study conducted in a global manufacturing supply chain involving semi-structured interviews and focus group sessions with experts in risk management. Theoretically grounded in the framework of Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) and Expected Utility Theory (EUT), the modelling approach has a number of distinctive characteristics. It utilises a top-down approach of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Performance measures are identified first and subsequently connected to risks. A ‘probability-conditional expected utility’ matrix is introduced to reflect the propagation impact of interdependent risks on all performance measures identified. A ‘weighted net evaluation of risk mitigation’ method is proposed and the method of ‘swing weights’ is used to capture the trade-off between the efficacy of strategies and the associated cost keeping in view the decision maker's risk appetite. The approach adapts and integrates techniques from safety and reliability engineering (FTA), decision making under uncertainty (EUT), and multi-criteria decision analysis (swing weights). The merits and challenges associated with the implementation of interdependency based frameworks are discussed. Propositions are presented to elucidate the significance of modelling interdependency between risks and strategies.Graphical abstractDisplay OmittedHighlightsA SCRM process integrating all stages of the risk management process is proposed and operationalised.The operationalisation scheme adapts and integrates various techniques from diversified research areas.A ‘probability-conditional expected utility’ matrix is introduced to assess interdependent risks.A ‘weighted net evaluation of risk mitigation’ method is proposed to capture the decision maker's risk appetite.Propositions are introduced to elucidate the significance of modelling interdependent risks.
机译: 摘要 本文开发并实施了供应链风险网络管理(SCRNM)流程,该流程捕获了风险之间的相互依赖关系,多种(可能存在冲突的)绩效指标和(风险)网络环境中的风险缓解策略。该过程有助于确定风险的优先级和针对决策者风险偏好的策略。通过在全球制造业供应链中进行的案例研究,包括与风险管理专家进行的半结构化访谈和焦点小组会议,证明了该过程。从理论上讲,建模方法基于贝叶斯信任网络(BBN)和期望效用理论(EUT)的框架,具有许多鲜明的特征。它采用了自上而下的故障树分析(FTA)方法。首先确定绩效指标,然后将其与风险联系起来。引入了“概率条件期望效用”矩阵,以反映相互依赖的风险对所确定的所有绩效指标的传播影响。提出了一种“风险缓解的加权净评估”方法,并使用“变动权重”方法来捕获策略有效性和相关成本保持之间的权衡,以了解决策者的风险偏好。该方法适应并集成了来自安全性和可靠性工程(FTA),不确定性下的决策(EUT)以及多准则决策分析(权重)的技术。讨论了与基于相互依赖的框架的实现相关的优点和挑战。提出了一些建议,以阐明建立风险与策略之间相互依存关系的重要性。 图形摘要 省略显示 突出显示< / ce:section-title> 一个集成了风险管理各个阶段的SCRM流程进行 操作方案适应并整合了来自不同研究领域的各种技术。 引入了“概率条件期望效用”矩阵来评估相互依存的风险。 建议使用“风险缓解”方法来捕获决策者的风险偏好。 提出了一些建议,以阐明建模相互依存风险的重要性。 < / ce:simple-para>



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