首页> 外文期刊>International Journal for Philosophy of Religion >Omniscience and worthiness of worship

Omniscience and worthiness of worship


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At first glance, the properties being omniscient and being worthy of worship might appear to be perfectly co-instantiable. (To say that some properties are co-instantiable is just to say that it is possible that some object instantiate all of them simultaneously. Being entirely red and being a ball are co-instantiable; being entirely red and being entirely blue are not). But there are reasons to be worried about this co-instantiability, as it turns out that, depending on our commitments with respect to certain kinds of knowledge and notions of personhood, it might be the case that no being—God included—could instantiate both. In this paper, I lay out and motivate this claim before going on to consider a variety of responses—some more plausible than others—that may be offered by the theist.
机译:乍一看,这些属性是无所不知且值得崇拜的,似乎是完全可以实例化的。 (要说某些属性是可以共同实例化的,就是说某些对象可能会同时实例化所有这些属性。完全红色和成为球是可以共同实例化的;完全红色和完全是蓝色不是可以实例化的)。但是我们有理由担心这种共存性,因为事实证明,根据我们对某些知识和人格观念的承诺,可能没有人(包括上帝在内)都可以实例化这两种情况。 。在本文中,我将阐述并激发这种主张,然后再考虑有神论者可能提出的各种回应(有些回应似乎比其他回应更合理)。



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