首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering >Morison Equation in Practice and Hydrodynamic Validity

Morison Equation in Practice and Hydrodynamic Validity


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This paper presents a practical interpretation of the hydrodynamic force equation developed based on the velocity potential. It expresses the equation in an original version of the Morison equation as well as in its subsequent numerous extended or modified versions in the industry design practice. It is demonstrated that the hydrodynamic force equation derived from a velocity potential for slender structures can be expressed term-by-term in a form of the original as well as modified versions of the Morison equation as used for floating and flexible structures in motion in waves. From this expression, the validity range of Morison equation is presented and discussed from the point of view of the hydrodynamic force equation. Also further discussed are: (a) the drag term empirically added to the hydrodynamic force equation, similar to the term in the Morison equation; (b) the use of the frequency-dependent, added mass and radiation (or wave) damping accounting for free-surface effect; (c) periodic time-dependency in practice; and (d) member diameter relative to incoming wave length.
机译:本文提出了一种基于速度势的流体动力方程的实用解释。它以Morison方程的原始版本以及随后在工业设计实践中的众多扩展或修改版本来表达该方程。结果表明,细长结构的速度势所衍生的流体动力方程可以以原始的以及修正的Morison方程形式来逐项表示,该方程用于波浪中的浮动和柔性结构。 。根据该表达式,从流体动力方程的角度提出并讨论了莫里森方程的有效范围。还进一步讨论了:(a)根据经验添加到流体动力方程中的阻力项,类似于莫里森方程中的项; (b)使用频率相关的附加质量和辐射(或波)阻尼来解决自由表面效应; (c)实践中的定期时间依赖性; (d)相对于入射波长的构件直径。



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