首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Financial Engineering >Financial inclusion and bank stability controversy: Evidence from South Asian region

Financial inclusion and bank stability controversy: Evidence from South Asian region


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Despite a substantial growth in efficiency and profitability, South Asian region's well-established banking system is likely to be incapable to grasp wide sections of the population, particularly the deprived ones. Numerous studies revealed that financial inclusion impact bank stability, but no significant empirical study has been made on the economies of South Asian region. The aim of the study is to explore the impact of financial inclusion on bank stability across South Asian region using data from 88 commercial banks from four economies (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) over the period of 2012-2018. Results using two-step system GMM suggest that an increase in financial inclusion enhances bank stability across economies of South Asian region. This study contains some significant policy implications to generate real opportunities for financial inclusion to improve bank stability.
机译:尽管效率和盈利能力大幅增长,但南亚地区的建立良好的银行体系可能无法掌握广泛的人口,特别是被剥夺的人口。众多的研究表明,金融包容局势影响银行稳定性,但对南亚地区的经济作出没有重大实证研究。该研究的目的是探讨金融纳入于2012 - 2018年期间的88个商业银行(孟加拉国,印度,巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡)的南亚地区银行稳定的影响。结果采用两步系统GMM建议,金融包容性增加提高了南亚地区经济体的银行稳定。本研究载有一些重大的政策影响,以产生财务包容性的实际机遇,以提高银行稳定。



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