首页> 外文期刊>International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics >An upscaling method and a numerical analysis of swelling/shrinking processes in a compacted bentonite/sand mixture

An upscaling method and a numerical analysis of swelling/shrinking processes in a compacted bentonite/sand mixture


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This paper presents an upscaling concept of swelling/shrinking processes of a compacted bentonite/sand mixture, which also applies to swelling of porous media in general. A constitutive approach for highly compacted bentonite/sand mixture is developed accordingly. The concept is based on the diffuse double layer theory and connects microstructural properties of the bentonite as well as chemical properties of the pore fluid with swelling potential. Main factors influencing the swelling potential of bentonite, i.e. variation of water content, dry density, chemical composition of pore fluid, as well as the microstructur.es and the amount of swelling minerals are taken into account. According to the proposed model, porosity is divided into interparticle and interlayer porosity. Swelling is the potential of interlayer porosity increase, which reveals itself as volume change in the case of free expansion, or turns to be swelling pressure in the case of constrained swelling. The constitutive equations for swelling/shrinking are implemented in the software GeoSys/RockFlow as a new chemo-hydro-mechanical model, which is able to simulate isothermal multiphase flow in bentonite. Details of the mathematical and numerical multiphase flow formulations, as well as the code implementation are described. The proposed model is verified using experimental data of tests on a highly compacted bentonite/sand mixture. Comparison of the ID modelling results with the experimental data evidences the capability of the proposed model to satisfactorily predict free swelling of the material under investigation.
机译:本文提出了一种压实膨润土/砂混合物的膨胀/收缩过程的放大概念,该概念通常也适用于多孔介质的膨胀。相应地开发了用于高度压实的膨润土/砂混合物的本构方法。该概念基于扩散双层理论,将膨润土的微观结构特性以及具有膨胀潜力的孔隙流体的化学特性联系起来。影响膨润土溶胀潜能的主要因素,即水分含量,干密度,孔隙流体化学成分的变化以及微结构和溶胀矿物的数量都被考虑在内。根据提出的模型,孔隙度分为颗粒间孔隙度和层间孔隙度。溶胀是夹层孔隙度增加的潜力,在自由膨胀的情况下其表现为体积变化,而在溶胀受限的情况下则显示为溶胀压力。溶胀/收缩的本构方程在软件GeoSys / RockFlow中作为新的化学-水力-机械模型实现,该模型能够模拟膨润土中的等温多相流。描述了数学和数值多相流公式以及代码实现的详细信息。使用高密度膨润土/砂混合物的试验实验数据验证了所提出的模型。 ID建模结果与实验数据的比较表明,所提出的模型具有令人满意地预测所研究材料的自由溶胀的能力。



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