首页> 外文期刊>International journal of non-linear mechanics >Effective bond length of FRP stiffeners

Effective bond length of FRP stiffeners


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The problem of an elastic bar bonded to an elastic half space and pulled at one end is considered to model the performance of FRP strips glued to concrete or masonry substrates. If the bond is perfect, stress singularities at both bar-extremities do appear. These can be removed by assuming cohesive contact forces a la Baranblatt that annihilate the stress intensity factor. We show that the presence of such cohesive zones is crucial to predict the experimentally measured effective bond length (EBL), i.e., the bond length beyond which no apparent increase of strength is attained. In particular, it is the cohesive zone at the loaded end of the stiffener, rather than that at the free end, that governs the phenomenon because the EBL coincides with the maximal length of such a zone. The proposed approach provides better estimates than formulas proposed in technical standards.
机译:考虑将弹性杆粘结到一个弹性的半空间并在一端拉出的问题来模拟粘贴到混凝土或砖石基材上的FRP条的性能。如果粘结是完美的,则在两个钢筋末端都出现应力奇异点。可以通过假定内聚接触力la Baranblatt消除应力强度因子来消除这些应力。我们表明,这种内聚区的存在对于预测实验测得的有效粘结长度(EBL),即粘结长度,超出该粘结长度没有明显的强度增加是至关重要的。特别是,加劲肋加载端而不是自由端的内聚区决定了这种现象,因为EBL与该区域的最大长度一致。与技术标准中提议的公式相比,提议的方法提供了更好的估计。



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