首页> 外文期刊>International journal of marine and coastal law >Bioprospecting in the High Seas: Existing Rights and Obligations in View of a New Legal Regime for Marine Areas beyond National Jurisdiction

Bioprospecting in the High Seas: Existing Rights and Obligations in View of a New Legal Regime for Marine Areas beyond National Jurisdiction


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This article examines the law governing bioprospecting in the high seas and subsequent use of biological material. Seen in relation to the on-going debate on a new legal regime for marine areas beyond national jurisdiction, the authors explore the degree to which existing rights and obligations under the law of the sea and patent law could coincide with one of the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, namely that of promoting benefit sharing. The activity of bioprospecting is examined in light of the different freedoms of the high seas, making the point that different interpretations give different indications of existing provisions on benefit sharing. In particular, the regime for marine scientific research under the law of the sea exemplifies different ways for sharing benefits, all of which run up against implementation challenges when seen in relation to rights awarded by patents to inventions resulting from bioprospecting.
机译:本文研究了有关公海生物勘探及随后使用生物材料的法律。关于正在进行的关于国家管辖范围以外海洋区域新法律制度的辩论,作者探讨了海洋法和专利法规定的现有权利和义务可以在何种程度上与海洋法的目标之一相吻合。 《生物多样性公约》,即促进惠益分享的公约。根据公海的不同自由对生物勘探的活动进行了审查,指出不同的解释对现有的利益共享规定提供了不同的指示。特别是,根据海洋法,海洋科学研究制度体现了分享利益的不同方式,从生物勘探产生的发明专利的专利权来看,所有这些方式都面临着实施方面的挑战。



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