首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Management Practice >Behavioural biases among SME owners

Behavioural biases among SME owners


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People are not fully rational and their decisions suffer from errors and biases. Because behavioural finance research focuses on investor irrationality, additional attention should examine managerial decision-making. This study helps to fill this gap by addressing three objectives: (a) to identify whether owners of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in India are prone toward behavioural bias; (b) to assess the impact of these biases on their decision-making; and (c) to determine whether age, experience, education, and gender affect their propensity to exhibit behavioural biases. Using responses from 154 Indian SME owners, the study uses logistic regression to assess how demographic variables affect behavioural biases. The evidence shows that SME owners are prone to self-attribution, overconfidence, and loss aversion, but not anchoring. Differences exist in the working capital management decisions of owners prone to behavioural biases. Gender, age, and experience significantly affect the propensity to exhibit behavioural biases.
机译:人们并不完全理性,他们的决定会遭受错误和偏见。由于行为金融研究的重点是投资者的非理性,因此应格外注意管理决策。这项研究通过解决三个目标来帮助填补这一空白:(a)确定印度中小企业的所有者是否容易出现行为偏见; (b)评估这些偏见对其决策的影响; (c)确定年龄,经验,学历和性别是否会影响他们表现出行为偏见的倾向。利用来自154个印度中小型企业所有者的反馈,该研究使用逻辑回归来评估人口统计学变量如何影响行为偏见。证据表明,中小型企业的所有者倾向于自我归属,过度自信和厌恶损失,但不容易陷入困境。业主容易发生行为偏差的营运资金管理决策存在差异。性别,年龄和经验会严重影响表现出行为偏见的倾向。



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