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Life cycle assessment of electricity transmission and distribution-part 1: power lines and cables


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Purpose The purpose of this study is to provide life cycle inventory data and results for components of electrical grids to the larger community of life cycle assessment practitioners. This article is the first in a series of two, each focusing on different components of power grids. In part 1, the objects under scope are power lines and cables. Systems for overhead, underground, and subsea transmission are modeled here, including HVDC systems used in long-distance transmission. Methods We use process-based life cycle assessment based on information provided by companies and in reports, Ecoinvent v2.2 as a background dataset and ReCiPe Midpoint Hierarchist perspective vl.O as the impact assessment method. The average European power mix is used to model the electrical energy required to compensate power losses in the equipment. Results and discussion Under the assumption of European power mix, power losses are the dominant process for impacts of lines and cables in all impact categories, contributing with up to 99% to climate change impacts. An exception is the category of metal depletion, for which the production of metal parts is the most relevant process. Conclusions After power losses, processes generating the most impacts for overhead lines are the production of metals for masts and conductors; production of foundations comes third. Recycling of metal parts shows benefits in all impact categories. For cables, infrastructure impacts are dominated by cable production, and recycling of cable materials does not always compensate for the other impacts generated at the end of life.
机译:目的本研究的目的是为更大范围的生命周期评估从业人员提供生命周期清单数据和电网组件的结果。本文是这两个系列文章中的第一篇,每个主题都集中于电网的不同组件。在第1部分中,范围内的对象是电源线和电缆。此处对架空,地下和海底输电系统进行了建模,包括在远距离输电中使用的HVDC系统。方法我们使用基于公司提供的信息的基于过程的生命周期评估,并在报告中使用Ecoinvent v2.2作为背景数据集,并使用ReCiPe Midpoint Hierarchist观点v10作为影响评估方法。欧洲平均功率混合用于对补偿设备中的功率损耗所需的电能建模。结果与讨论在欧洲混合动力的假设下,电力损耗是影响所有类别的电线和电缆影响的主要过程,对气候变化的影响高达99%。一个例外是金属消耗类别,其中金属零件的生产是最相关的过程。结论断电后,对架空线产生最大影响的过程是生产桅杆和导体的金属。基础生产排在第三位。金属零件的回收在所有影响类别中均显示出优势。对于电缆而言,基础设施的影响主要是电缆的生产,而电缆材料的回收并不能总是补偿使用寿命结束时产生的其他影响。



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