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Visualised bibliometric mapping on smart specialisation: a co-citation analysis


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The primary purpose of this bibliometric study is to systematically explore the multidisciplinary, multilevel and multicontextual dimensions of smart specialisation strategies. Quantitatively based co-citation analyses, including qualitative aspects, are used to map the emerging and multifaceted S3 phenomenon. Data from Web of Science and Scopus shape the background of these visualisations, including 297 peer-reviewed documents and 8,173 cited references from 5,659 co-cited sources of 5,806 co-cited authors linked to 298 organisations and 45 countries. Additionally, co-authorship and bibliographic coupling maps are illustrated. As one of the first studies with such a focus, the outcomes emphasise the need for more research in this discipline to improve our familiarity with smart specialisation strategies. Thus, this effort highlights not only potential research avenues with a recommended step-by-step approach, but also valuable implications for theory and practice based on the previous work discussed in the course of clustering the co-citation analyses.
机译:这项文献计量研究的主要目的是系统地探索智能专业化策略的多学科,多层次和多上下文的维度。基于定量的共引用分析(包括定性方面)用于绘制新兴和多方面的S3现象。来自Web of Science和Scopus的数据塑造了这些可视化的背景,包括297个经过同行评审的文档和8,173篇引用的参考文献,这些文献来自与298个组织和45个国家/地区的5,806位被引用的作者的5,659位被引用的文献。此外,还显示了合著者和书目耦合图。作为针对此类问题的首批研究之一,研究结果强调需要对该学科进行更多研究,以提高我们对智能专业化策略的熟悉程度。因此,这项工作不仅通过建议的分步方法突出了潜在的研究途径,而且还基于对共引用分析进行聚类讨论的先前工作为理论和实践提供了宝贵的启示。



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