首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research >A Literature Review on Interactions Between Stakeholders Through Accessibility Indicators Under Mobility as a Service Context

A Literature Review on Interactions Between Stakeholders Through Accessibility Indicators Under Mobility as a Service Context


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This study aims to explore accessibility indicators influencing the interactions between users, transport service providers(TSPs), and a platform operator, generating a conceptual framework for modeling these interactions under Mobility as aService context. A systematic literature review was conducted to identify all studies focusing on indicators and modelingthe interactions. There are limitations in integrating psychological indicators and dynamic pricing into the existing models.Moreover, there are gaps in considering monthly service packages, the efficiency of transport systems, and the perspectivesof the TSPs for modeling the demand–supply interactions. The study ends with conclusions, discussions, and directions forfurther studies.
机译:本研究旨在探索影响用户之间互动,运输服务提供商之间的可访问性指标 (TSP)和平台运营商,为概念框架创造,用于在移动性下为这些交互进行建模 服务上下文。 进行了系统的文献综述,以确定关注指标和建模的所有研究 互动。 将心理指标与动态定价整合到现有模型中存在局限性。 此外,考虑月度服务包,运输系统的效率以及观点存在差距。 用于建模需求交互的TSP。 这项研究以结论,讨论和指示结束 深度学习。



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