首页> 外文期刊>E3S Web of Conferences >Stakeholder Analysis in Utilizing of Environmental Services and Natural Attractions in Tuk Semuncar Utilization Zone of Gunung Merbabu National Park: A literature review

Stakeholder Analysis in Utilizing of Environmental Services and Natural Attractions in Tuk Semuncar Utilization Zone of Gunung Merbabu National Park: A literature review

机译:贡巴·默巴布国家公园Tuk Semuncar利用区环境服务和自然景点利用的利益相关者分析:文献综述



Many stakeholders in the utilizing of environmental services and natural attraction of Tuk Semuncar Utilization Zone needs to get the attention of the Gunung Merbabu National Park Officer. The existence of natural resources has an important role for the life of the community, making the complexity of the relationship between various parties who have interests in natural resource management. The existence of stakeholders and their interests should receive attention and be considered to be accommodated as an effort to prevent the occurrence of losses to the conservation area of Gunung Merbabu National Park. Every stakeholder's interest can have a positive and negative impact on other stakeholders. Stakeholder analysis can help in understanding the conflict on the utilizing of environmental services and natural attraction that is happening, as well as input strategy in involving stakeholders for the achievement of goals.
机译:在利用Tuk Semuncar利用区的环境服务和自然吸引力方面,许多利益相关者需要引起Gunung Merbabu国家公园官员的注意。自然资源的存在对于社区的生活具有重要作用,这使得对自然资源管理感兴趣的各方之间的关系变得复杂。利益相关者及其利益的存在应引起关注,并应考虑到这一点,以防止发生古纳·默巴布国家公园保护区损失的情况。每个利益相关者的利益都会对其他利益相关者产生正面和负面的影响。利益相关者分析可以帮助理解在利用环境服务和自然吸引力方面的冲突,以及帮助利益相关者参与实现目标的投入策略。



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