首页> 外文期刊>International journal of intelligence and counter intelligence >How Fidel Castro Hoodwinked New York's Beautiful People

How Fidel Castro Hoodwinked New York's Beautiful People

机译:菲德尔·卡斯特罗·胡德(Fidel Castro Hoodhood)如何眨眼纽约的美丽人物

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Often forgotten is how young and dynamic Fidel Castro was, only 32 years old, when he and his ragtag group of Cuban exiles-plus a prematurely retired Argentine doctor-took advantage of the void created by the collapse of Fulgencio Batista's widely discredited regime and by the dictator's hasty departure from the island. In quickly claiming control of power despite their lack of numbers, Castro and his brother Raul thereby launched the "Cuban Revolution." In the beginning, the tall, masculine, and charismatic Fidel Castro personified the romantic hero. As one of his most astute critics, Brian Latell, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst, has observed: "He [Fidel] was endlessly complex, a man of great intellect, and an inflexible will. His revolution was, from its very first moments, a one-man show."
机译:菲德尔·卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)当时年仅32岁,他和他的古巴流亡者外加一群早已退休的阿根廷医生,多么年轻而充满活力,却被人们遗忘了,他利用了因巴蒂斯塔(Fulgencio Batista)广为人知的政权崩溃而造成的空缺。独裁者仓促地离开了岛屿。卡斯特罗(Castro)和他的兄弟劳尔(Raul)在缺乏人数的情况下迅速要求控制权力,从而发起了“古巴革命”。刚开始,高大,阳刚,富有魅力的菲德尔·卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)成为浪漫英雄的化身。正如他最敏锐的批评家之一,前中央情报局(CIA)的分析师布莱恩·拉特尔(Brian Latell)指出:“他(菲德尔)永无止境地是一个复杂的人物,一个很有才智的人,而且意志坚定。最开始的时候,一个人表演。”



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