首页> 外文期刊>International journal of information systems and social change >Folk Values for Beginners: A Sustainability Perspective From Bangladesh

Folk Values for Beginners: A Sustainability Perspective From Bangladesh


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The inherently diverse folkloric values are the applied aspects of folk philosophy. Amongst these values, the paper focusses on a few specific tenets that are transplanted in the beginners' hearts to counteract the current culture of thriving consumption that instigates competition and greed, profit-making use of science and technology, and moral degradation. These values are also linked to the globalisation of sustainability education to counteract the destruction of the natural and social environment. They need major attention right from the primary level of education. Using the case study of Bangladesh, the paper presents a synopsis of the core folkloric tradition of the country and critically analyses the substantial impact of folk values on the daily lives of its inhabitants as well as discusses how these values can contribute to sustainability.
机译:固有不同的民俗价值观是民间哲学的应用方面。 在这些价值中,本文重点关注初学者心中移植的一些特定原则,以抵消当前的蓬勃发展的文化,煽动竞争和贪婪,利润利用科学和技术,以及道德退化。 这些价值观也与可持续发展教育的全球化有关,以抵消自然和社会环境的破坏。 他们需要主要关注的主要教育水平。 使用孟加拉国的案例研究,本文提出了该国核心民俗传统的概要,并批判地分析了民间价值对其居民日常生活的重大影响,以及讨论这些价值观如何促进可持续性。



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