首页> 外文期刊>International journal of information system modeling and design >An Ontology for BPM in Digital Transformation and Innovation

An Ontology for BPM in Digital Transformation and Innovation


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Technologies are being incorporated continuously into day-to-day life, introducing new shapes for all businesses. Nevertheless, it is interesting to notice that most novelty is based mainly on processes, rather than on technology. Although the literature seems to agree the digital transformation and innovation (DT&I) and business process management (BPM) connection is almost mandatory, there is not a clear and precise conceptualization of the relationship of these two domains. Therefore, the authors argue that a conceptual model is needed to organize the knowledge raised on these subjects structurally. This article presents an ontology to provide a formal and explicit specification as a common understanding basis of this topic. This research contributes to leveraging the BPM in the digital age, exploring their relationship, investigating to what extent the BPM characteristics initiatives affect-and are affected by-DT&I. The authors evaluated the proposal using a public domain business case to confirm the model requirements and assess whether it adequately addresses the research problem.
机译:技术正在持续纳入日常生活中,为所有企业引入新形状。然而,有趣的是要注意大多数新奇是主要基于流程,而不是技术。虽然文献似乎同意数字转型和创新(DT&I)和业务流程管理(BPM)连接几乎是强制性的,但这两个域的关系没有明确和精确的概念化。因此,作者认为,需要概念模型来组织在结构上组织在这些受试者上提出的知识。本文提出了一个本体,以提供正式和明确规范作为本主题的共同理解。这项研究有助于利用BPM在数字时代,探索其关系,调查BPM特征措施影响 - 并受到DT&I的影响程度。作者使用公共领域的业务案例评估了该提案,以确认模型要求并评估是否充分解决了研究问题。



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