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International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design


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The mission of the International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) is to provide an international forum for modeling experts and design professionals for exchanging innovative ideas. IJISMD enables presentation of original work in the development of models for business alignment with computerized services in order to make both organizational and technical systems more effective. It especially focuses on semantic integrity between business processes and data, as well as on new methods for identification of semantic inconsistency, incompleteness, redundancy, and ambiguity of information system specifications. Targeting researchers, practitioners, and academicians, this journal promotes innovative findings in emerging disciplines of informatics on enterprise system modeling, design, integration, and evolution.
机译:国际信息系统建模与设计杂志(IJISMD)的任务是为建模专家和设计专业人员交流创新思想提供一个国际论坛。 IJISMD可以在与计算机化服务进行业务调整的模型开发中展示原始工作,从而使组织和技术系统更加有效。它特别关注业务流程和数据之间的语义完整性,以及用于识别信息系统规范的语义不一致,不完整,冗余和歧义的新方法。该杂志针对研究人员,从业人员和院士,在新兴的信息学学科中促进有关企业系统建模,设计,集成和演进的创新发现。



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