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The International Journal of Imaging Systems & Technology


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Manuscripts should contain: 1. Title; 2. Names and complete affiliations of Authors; 3. An abstract of not more than 200 words; 4. Main text of article reasonably divided into sections and, if necessary, subsections; 5. References (see below); 6. Tables (see below); 7. List of Figure Captions; 8. Figures (see below); 9. Manuscripts must be double-spaced on a single side only on standard 8- X 11-inch (21.5 X 28-cm) paper. 10. Material intended for footnotes should be inserted in the text as parenthetical material whenever possible. 11. All mathematical symbols, equations, formulas, Greek and/or unusual symbols should be typed. If they must be handwritten, please write clearly and leave ample space above and below for printer's marks. When handwritten symbols are necessary, please provide a separate sheet listing and denning such symbols. This list will help to distinguish between characters that may otherwise be confused (e.g., b, B, ft). 12. Please underscore with a wavy line all vector quantities or use boldface type if available. Please label vector quantities as such the first time they occur in the manuscript. 13. Please note that the use of italics for emphasis should be used with extreme discrimination as overuse of italics may result.
机译:手稿应包含:1.标题; 2.作者的姓名和完整隶属关系; 3.不超过200字的摘要; 4.本条的正文合理地分为各节和必要时的小节; 5.参考文献(见下文); 6.表格(见下文); 7.图形标题列表; 8.数字(见下文); 9.原稿只能在标准的8 X X 11英寸(21.5 X 28厘米)纸上单面双行。 10.凡有可能,应将用于脚注的材料作为括号插入文本中。 11.应键入所有数学符号,方程式,公式,希腊语和/或不寻常的符号。如果必须手写,请写清楚并在打印机的上方和下方留出足够的空间以标记打印机。当需要手写符号时,请提供单独的工作表列表并定义此类符号。此列表将有助于区分可能会混淆的字符(例如b,B,ft)。 12.请在所有矢量数量上用波浪线下划线,或在可用的情况下使用粗体字。请在第一次出现矢量数量时将其标记为手稿。 13.请注意,使用斜体字强调文字时应格外注意,因为可能会导致过度使用斜体字。



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