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Volatility forecasting: The role of lunch-break returns, overnight returns, trading volume and leverage effects


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This article extends the HAR-RV model to enable it to forecast volatility by including lunch-break returns, overnight returns, trading volume and leverage effects in the Chinese stock market. The findings show the significant role of additional leverage effects, captured by negative lunch-break returns and negative overnight returns, in volatility forecasting, in addition to the trading volume's impact. Moreover, there is a strong significance of the usual leverage effects, which turn out to be persistent even for SHCI. Surprisingly, squared lunch-break returns, measured as additional volatilities during the lunch-break period, have a large long-run impact on the volatility for SHCI but not for SZCI. This new empirical evidence is robust to alternative realized measurements and unconditional variance, and, in particular, confirms the impact of intermittent trading, captured by the returns and volatilities outside the trading hours. Overall, our model performs much better than the benchmark HAR-RV model when various forecasting horizons are considered, and our findings have important implications for investors and policy makers. (C) 2015 International Institute of Forecasters. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本文扩展了HAR-RV模型,使其能够通过包括午休收益,隔夜收益,交易量和中国股市杠杆效应来预测波动率。研究结果表明,除了交易量的影响之外,在波动率预测中,负的午休时间收益和负的隔夜收益也可以发挥杠杆作用的重要作用。此外,通常的杠杆效应具有重要意义,即使对于SHCI而言,这种效应也将持续存在。令人惊讶的是,午休收益的平方(以午休期间的额外波动率来衡量)对沪指的波动率具有长期的较大影响,但对深证所的波动率没有长期影响。这一新的经验证据对于替代性已实现的度量和无条件方差具有鲁棒性,尤其是证实了间歇性交易的影响,这种影响是由交易时间以外的收益和波动率所捕获的。总体而言,当考虑各种预测范围时,我们的模型的性能要比基准HAR-RV模型好得多,并且我们的发现对投资者和决策者具有重要意义。 (C)2015年国际预测协会。由Elsevier B.V.发布。保留所有权利。



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