首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Energy Sector Management >Markets for Carbon and Power Pricing in Europe: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Analyses

Markets for Carbon and Power Pricing in Europe: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Analyses


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The European emissions trading system (EU-ETS) that came into existence in 2005 is one of the main instruments being used in the European Union to limit greenhouse gas emission emissions. The power sector, being one of the main contributors to carbon-dioxide (CO_2) emissions, is a major target industry under the EU-ETS. The participants in the EU-ETS have received certain amounts of tradable permits free of charge subject to a pan-European cap set by the European Commission. Each participant is required to surrender permits equivalent to their annual volume of emissions and can trade the balance, if any. This mechanism was expected to create a market for carbon that would determine the carbon price through a competitive process. However, it was observed that some participating electric utilities have managed to increase their profits, implying some sort of emissions trading windfall gain for them.
机译:2005年成立的欧洲排放权交易系统(EU-ETS)是欧盟用来限制温室气体排放量的主要手段之一。电力行业是二氧化碳排放的主要贡献者之一,是欧盟排放交易体系下的主要目标行业。 EU-ETS的参与者免费获得了一定数量的可交易许可证,但要遵守欧盟委员会设定的泛欧上限。每个参与者都必须交出相当于其年度排放量的许可证,并且可以交易余额(如果有)。预计该机制将为碳市场创造一个市场,该市场将通过竞争过程确定碳价格。但是,据观察,一些参与的电力公司设法增加了利润,这意味着对他们来说,某种形式的排放权交易获得了可观的收益。



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