首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems >A data-driven distributionally robust coordinated dispatch model for integrated power and heating systems considering wind power uncertainties

A data-driven distributionally robust coordinated dispatch model for integrated power and heating systems considering wind power uncertainties


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When dealing with the practical wind power uncertainties in integrated power and heating systems, stochastic optimization is not feasible due to the unavailable accurate probability distribution function while robust optimization may result in over-conservative decisions. Based on the known historical data, a data-driven two-stage distributionally robust dispatch method is proposed in this study with the electric boiler, heating storage device, power storage device and combined heat and power (CHP) units considered in the model, which is then solved by a column and constraint generation (CCG) algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified based on a modified IEEE 39-bus system.
机译:当处理集成电力和供热系统中的实际风能不确定性时,由于无法获得准确的概率分布函数,因此随机优化是不可行的,而稳健的优化可能会导致过度保守的决策。基于已知的历史数据,在模型中考虑了电锅炉,储热装置,储能装置以及热电联产(CHP)单元的基础上,提出了一种数据驱动的两阶段分布式鲁棒调度方法。然后通过列和约束生成(CCG)算法求解。基于改进的IEEE 39总线系统,验证了该方法的有效性。



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