首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ecology & Enviromental Sciences >Consolidation of Radionuclides in Uranium Tailings at Jaduguda (Jharkhand): A Case Study

Consolidation of Radionuclides in Uranium Tailings at Jaduguda (Jharkhand): A Case Study


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Low-grade uranium deposits discovered in Singhbhum region (Jharkhand) during early sixties have been mined and processed in several areas such as Jaduguda, Bhatin and Narwapahar since 1968. The mill tailings at Jaduguda were covered with 30 cm. thick soil layer. It is required to consolidate the radioactivity by raising plant species which do not have any socioeconomic relevance in the area and have very low uptake of radionuclides. Seven native plant species were selected for experimental trials. Distribution and concentration of U(Nat.) was evaluated in tailings pond areas at different depths in soil and tailings, and uptake of U(Nat.) by the selected plant species was estimated. The concentration of U(Nat.) followed the order: tailings > soil cover on tailings> roots > shoots. The results show that the species examined are appropriate for consolidation of radionuclide in Uranium tailings as compared to naturally occurring species which have higher radionuclide uptake and accumulation.



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