首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ecology & Enviromental Sciences >Fluvial Environment of Jiadhal River Basin, Dhemaji District, Assam

Fluvial Environment of Jiadhal River Basin, Dhemaji District, Assam


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The Jiadhal river is a flashy river, which is tributary of Brahmaputra. 3848 mm is the maximum annual rainfall and 874.91 m3s-l is the maximum flow found in the basin during the study period. 98.93m is the water level corresponding to the maximum flow occurred in the year 1990. Whereas, 4.7 m3s-l is the annual minimum flow and 95.88m is the corresponding water level recorded in the year 1991. It is observed that the maximum annual discharges have shown a decreasing trend whereas similar trend is not observed in the case of minimum annual discharge of the river. Correlation study shows higher variation in case of maximum discharge whereas low variation is found in case of minimum discharge. The flood frequency analysis made using ask AE factor methods reveals that the Log-Pearson Type III, for which D-index value is found lowest and hence is the most appropriate method for estimating the design flood of any return period. Because of the flashy nature of flow the river, it has devastating impacts like flood, erosion and sedimentation. Total damage (in Rs) due to flood ranges from 0.033 crores in 1997 to as high as 14.123 crores in 2002. Maximum area was affected in 1998, whereas in 1994 and 1995 the affected area was minimum. Therefore, it influenced socio-economy of humans and ecology of the basin. In the present paper the fluvial environment of the river basin has been presented.
机译:贾达尔河是一条漂流河,是雅鲁藏布江的支流。在研究期间,流域的最大年降雨量为3848毫米,流域的最大流量为874.91 m3s-l。 98.93m是与1990年发生的最大流量相对应的水位。而4.7 m3s-1是年度最小流量,而95.88m是在1991年记录的相应水位。可以观察到最大年流量已经显示出下降的趋势,而在河流最小年流量的情况下没有观察到类似的趋势。相关性研究表明,在最大放电情况下变化较大,而在最小放电情况下变化较小。使用Ask AE因子方法进行的洪水频率分析表明,Log-Pearson类型III的D-index值最低,因此是估算任何返回期设计洪水的最合适方法。由于河流的流动性,它具有洪水,侵蚀和沉积等破坏性影响。洪水造成的总损失(卢比)从1997年的0.033亿卢比到2002年的142.3亿卢比。1998年受灾面积最大,而1994年和1995年受灾面积最小。因此,它影响了人类的社会经济和流域生态。本文介绍了流域的河流环境。



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