首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ecology & Enviromental Sciences >Water Resources and Sustainable Development: Issues and Approaches to Management - An Indian Perspective

Water Resources and Sustainable Development: Issues and Approaches to Management - An Indian Perspective


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Over the past 25 years, 'sustainable development' has been the buzzword throughout the world and adopted in practically all spheres of human life. It was the theme of the United Nation's Conference held this year to celebrate the 20~(th) anniversary of the United Nation's first Earth Summit in 1992.Sustainable development conceptually seeks to avoid environmental degradation while using the natural resources for economic development in a manner that ensres also both intra- and inter-generational equity. However, there seems to be little realisation, if any, of the fact that none of the natural resources or any area of human interest can be developed in isolation and that too sustainably without impinging upon other resources or areas. Water is a resource which unites together all the living and non-living and yet is sought to be controlled and partitioned by the humans for allocation among natural and human stakeholders. No other resource can be utilised and no economic development can be made without the input of water at some stage, and there is no developmental activity of the humans that does not affect the water resources. 1 review here the current status of water resources, and the issues and approaches concerning their management, with particular reference to India. I try to demonstrate that the current policies and approaches to management are highly sectoral and contribute neither to the sustainabilty of the water resources nor to the sustainable development of the nation. It calls for a systems approach that integrates the 'development' of all natural resources and 'sectors' by taking into account the impacts of each activity on the others. While a river basin may be considered as the minimal spatial unit for planning and management, the impacts of many land-based activities in one river basin on the other basins within and even beyond the political boundaries should also be addressed.
机译:在过去的25年中,“可持续发展”一直是全世界的流行语,并已在人类生活的几乎所有领域得到采用。这是今年联合国大会的主题,以庆祝1992年联合国首届地球峰会20周年。可持续发展从概念上讲是在避免环境退化的同时,以某种方式利用自然资源促进经济发展这也确保了代际和代际平等。但是,似乎几乎没有意识到以下事实:自然资源或人类利益的任何领域都无法孤立地开发,而且在不影响其他资源或领域的情况下也过于可持续。水是一种将所有生物和非生物结合在一起的资源,但人们一直试图将其控制和分配,以在自然和人类利益相关者之间进行分配。在某个阶段,如果没有水的投入,就无法利用其他资源,也就无法进行经济发展,人类的发展活动也不会影响水资源。 1这里回顾水资源的现状,以及有关水资源管理的问题和方法,特别是印度。我试图证明当前的管理政策和方法是高度部门性的,对水资源的可持续性和国家的可持续发展都没有贡献。它要求采取一种系统方法,通过考虑每项活动对其他活动的影响来整合所有自然资源和“部门”的“发展”。虽然一个流域可以被视为规划和管理的最小空间单位,但也应解决一个流域内许多陆上活动对政治边界内甚至政治边界内其他流域的影响。



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