首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Earth Sciences >Two high-pressure metamorphic events, Variscan and Alpine, dated by Lu–Hf in an eclogite complex of the Austroalpine nappes (Schobergruppe, Austria)

Two high-pressure metamorphic events, Variscan and Alpine, dated by Lu–Hf in an eclogite complex of the Austroalpine nappes (Schobergruppe, Austria)


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The Eo-Alpine high-pressure belt in the Austroalpine nappes consists of pre-Mesozoic basement rocks overprinted by eclogite-facies metamorphism during the Late Cretaceous. Parts of this basement were already eclogitized during the Variscan orogeny. Lu-Hf geochronology allowed to identify two high-pressure events in an eclogite body in the Schobergruppe, an Austroalpine basement complex south of the Tauern Window. Two samples from closely neighboring outcrops were studied. Both contain two garnet generations. In one sample, PRI3, garnet belongs almost exclusively to the younger (Alpine) generation with only rare preservation of relic cores. In the other sample, PRI4, Variscan garnet is merely coated by a thin rim of the second, Alpine generation, which is in equilibrium with the high-pressure matrix assemblage. In PRI3, two-point garnet-whole rock ages scatter between 97 and 104Ma, reflecting Alpine garnet growth with minor contamination by a Variscan component. In PRI4, two-point isochrons yield ages between 300 and 313Ma. The limited spread in these ages suggests minor contamination by Alpine garnet rims. We propose 97Ma as the maximum age for Alpine metamorphism, which is close to previously determined ages from other parts of the high-pressure belt, and 313Ma as a minimum age for Variscan metamorphism. Thermodynamic modelling infers that eclogite-facies conditions were reached in both events; during the Late Cretaceous, these were ca. 1.9GPa/650 degrees C. Variscan high-pressure conditions in PRI4 are inferred from the amount of garnet in the sample, which indicates at least 1.6GPa. We propose that the occurrence of Alpine versus Variscan garnet in eclogites depends on the intensity of Variscan and post-Variscan retrogression: the more prograde, Variscan garnet was removed during retrogression, the more garnet grew during the Alpine cycle.
机译:奥古斯拉山脉推覆带中的Eo-Alpine高压带由白垩纪晚期由榴辉岩相变质覆盖的中生代前基底岩组成。在Variscan造山运动中,该地下室的某些部分已经凝固。 Lu-Hf年代学允许在Saubergruppe(陶恩之窗以南的一个奥山地层地下复合体)的榴辉岩中识别出两个高压事件。研究了来自紧邻的露头的两个样品。两者都含有两个石榴石世代。在一个样本PRI3中,石榴石几乎完全属于年轻的(阿尔卑斯)世代,只保留了很少的遗迹核心。在另一个样品PRI4中,Variscan石榴石仅被第二代Alpine一代的薄轮缘覆盖,该轮缘与高压基质组合处于平衡状态。在PRI3中,两点石榴石全年龄分布在97至104Ma之间,反映出阿尔卑斯石榴石的生长以及受Variscan成分的轻微污染。在PRI4中,两点等时线产生的年龄介于300和313Ma之间。这些年龄段的传播范围有限,表明高山石榴石轮辋受到的污染较小。我们建议将97Ma作为高山变质的最大年龄,该年龄接近先前从高压带其他部分确定的年龄,而将313Ma作为Variscan变质的最小年龄。热力学模型推断在这两个事件中都达到了榴辉岩相的条件。在白垩纪晚期,它们大约是1.9GPa / 650摄氏度。PRI4中的Variscan高压条件是从样品中的石榴石量推断得出的,这表明至少有1.6GPa。我们认为,榴辉岩中阿尔卑斯山和瓦里斯坎石榴石的发生取决于瓦里斯坎和瓦里斯坎后退的强度:越往前,瓦里斯坎石榴石在倒退过程中被去除,石榴石​​在高山周期中生长的越多。



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