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Competences-reloaded? The vertical division of powers in the EU and the new European constitution


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The convention clearly adopted a restricted understanding of competence as legislative competence. Even the limited field of legislation was not fully explored, since part Ⅲ of the constitution, which includes the competence provisions from the former treaties, was not debated in depth. This is unfortunate. The actual competence provisions are laid down in part Ⅲ. A serious political debate on some of the issues of part Ⅲ, such as the reach of fundamental freedoms (art. Ⅲ-154, currently art. 30 EC) or common commercial policy (art. Ⅲ-315), would have been helpful. Still, all things considered, the result of the convention's work is an improvement over the previous situation. Given the nature of the European construct as a constitutionalized multilevel system without strong hierarchies, it seems to me that what is best suited to the European situation are tools and mechanisms that emphasize political safeguards to protect affected interest. This suggests "soft" procedures, that is to say, mechanisms aimed at raising sustainable sensitivity on competence issues. The work of the convention seems to have been inspired by a similar understanding of the issue, given that it refrained from a major modification of the existing competence order or the creation of new institutions. Instead, it relied on the early-warning system and reporting mechanisms, which will have to pass a practicability test.
机译:该公约显然采用了对权限作为立法权限的有限理解。甚至没有对有限的立法领域进行充分的探讨,因为宪法的第三部分,其中包括前条约的权限条款,没有得到深入的辩论。这是不幸的。实际能力规定载于第三部分。就第三部分的某些问题进行一场严肃的政治辩论,例如基本自由的达成(第Ⅲ-154条,目前是第30 EC)或共同的商业政策(第Ⅲ-315条),将有所帮助。尽管如此,从所有方面考虑,公约工作的结果还是比以前的情况有所改善。鉴于欧洲构造体是没有严格等级制度的宪法化多层体系的性质,在我看来,最适合欧洲局势的是那些强调政治保障以保护受影响利益的工具和机制。这表明了“软”程序,也就是说,旨在提高对能力问题的可持续敏感性的机制。鉴于公约避免对现有权限顺序进行重大修改或创建新机构,因此似乎对这一问题有类似的理解,从而激发了该公约的工作。相反,它依赖于预警系统和报告机制,这将必须通过实用性测试。



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