首页> 外文期刊>International journal of computers, communications & control >Routing Optimization for Delay Tolerant Networks in Rural Applications Using a Distributed Algorithm

Routing Optimization for Delay Tolerant Networks in Rural Applications Using a Distributed Algorithm


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Internet access can improve people's life quality by helping them to reduce and overcome the poverty and educational gaps. However, most rural communities in the world, specially in underdeveloped countries, do not have access to the Internet. Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) is a recent low-cost technology now being used to provide connectivity to rural towns were some transportation means periodically arrive. DTNs can be implemented to connect communities to Internet, since this technology takes advantage of the existing people's transportation infrastructure using it to move packets and messages to and from Internet. This paper proposes a DTN mathematical optimization model that maximizes the availability probabilities of the paths from sources to destinations. We also present an opportunistic forwarding algorithm that takes into account the availability probability of a node's neighbors to decide if a node should forward a message or store the message until a node with a higher availability probability contacts it. This algorithm was tested in five different scenarios and in all of them it found a path to the destination.
机译:互联网访问可以帮助人们减少和克服贫困和教育差距,从而改善人们的生活质量。但是,世界上大多数农村社区,尤其是欠发达国家,都无法访问Internet。延迟/中断容忍网络(DTN)是一种最新的低成本技术,如今已被用于通过某些运输方式定期到达农村城镇提供连通性。 DTN可以实现以将社区连接到Internet,因为该技术利用了现有人员的交通基础设施,利用该技术可以将数据包和消息往返Internet。本文提出了一种DTN数学优化模型,该模型使从源到目的地的路径的可用性概率最大化。我们还提出了一种机会转发算法,该算法考虑了节点邻居的可用性概率来决定节点是否应该转发消息或存储消息,直到具有更高可用性概率的节点与它联系为止。该算法在五个不同的场景中进行了测试,并在所有场景中均找到了到达目的地的路径。



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