首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Computers & Applications >Design of WSN traffic forecasting system with delayed self-sensing

Design of WSN traffic forecasting system with delayed self-sensing


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In order to achieve the load balancing between network nodes, improve the utilization of system resources and network throughput, and reduce network delay. Therefore, based on the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol, this paper proposes an improved protocol of OLSR based on traffic load balancing and QoS. OLSR-TLB protocol takes the traffic load balancing and QoS into account. For real-time traffic, focus on the traffic load of the access point. If the access point traffic load is too high, it cannot be connected with the routing. However, for non-real-time traffic, QoS but not traffic load is considered, making routing decisions based on hop counts. In addition, the traffic service is divided into real-time traffic and non-real-time traffic. The former considers the realtime, making routing decisions based on traffic load, while the latter considers QoS, making routing decisions based on hop counts. Simulation results show that the proposed OLSR-TLB protocol can effectively improve the throughput and reduce the delay performance. Compared with the traditional OLSR protocol, the throughput of OLSR-TLB protocol is improved to 3.5Mbps, and the delay is reduced to 50 ms.
机译:为了实现网络节点之间的负载均衡,提高系统资源的利用率和网络吞吐量,减少网络延迟。因此,基于优化链路状态路由协议(OLSR),本文提出了一种基于流量负载均衡和QoS的改进OLSR协议。 OLSR-TLB协议考虑了流量负载平衡和QoS。对于实时流量,请注意接入点的流量负载。如果接入点流量负载过高,则无法与路由连接。但是,对于非实时流量,将考虑QoS但不考虑流量负载,从而根据跳数做出路由决策。另外,流量服务分为实时流量和非实时流量。前者考虑实时性,根据流量负载做出路由决策,而后者考虑QoS,根据跳数做出路由决策。仿真结果表明,所提出的OLSR-TLB协议可以有效提高吞吐量,降低延迟性能。与传统的OLSR协议相比,OLSR-TLB协议的吞吐量提高到3.5Mbps,延迟降低到50毫秒。



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