首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Coal Geology >Aberrations in the coalification patterns of the offshore coalfields of Northumberland and Durham, United Kingdom

Aberrations in the coalification patterns of the offshore coalfields of Northumberland and Durham, United Kingdom


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The offshore extensions of the Northumberland and Durham Westphalian coalfields are formed of continuous and linked sequences of sediments which lie in contrasting structural regimes, respectively 'Basin' and 'Block'. The coalfields have suffered different geothermal histories. Offshore Northumberland ('Basin') sediments endured low heating rates and low maximum temperatures to give seams which, even at the base of the succession, hardly reached vitrinite reflectances of Roil = 0.60%, apart from raised values due to igneous activity. The offshore Durham ('Block') succession was exposed to higher temperatures and heating rates due to the proximity of the Lower Devonian Weardale granite underlying the 'Block', which was re-activated during Carboniferous times. These geothermal conditions not only led to higher levels of reflectance and steeper maturation gradients offshore in the 'Block' succession than offshore in coals of the 'Basin', but also produced contrasting relationships between correlations of vitrinite oil reflectance and volatile-matter yield of coals for the two structural zones―and probably also for other property relationships as well. Reflectance profiles have been modified due to three circumstances: first, considerable variation locally in the raising of reflectance levels caused by igneous activity; second, lowering of vitrinite reflectance values due to arenaceous sediments being deposited immediately on top of vitrinite precursors within the coal-forming organic matter; and third, possible interference from liptinite-rich accumulations within coal seams or near to them in the succession, which exuded aliphatic materials relatively early in coalification which were then absorbed by vitrinites or, more likely, deposition of the vitrinite precursors in a marineear marine and calcium-rich environment, so reducing reflectance values on coalification. Similar contrasting property relationships to those described here may have been produced by Lower Devonian granitoid bodies which have been identified on the North Sea High, if they also were re-activated during the Carboniferous.
机译:诺森伯兰郡和达勒姆·威斯特伐利亚州煤田的海上延伸部分是由沉积物的连续和链接序列形成的,这些沉积物处于相对的结构状态下,分别为“盆地”和“区块”。煤田经历了不同的地热历史。诺森伯兰(Basin)海岸近海沉积物忍受着低升温速率和低最高温度,形成的煤层即使在演替的基础上也几乎达不到Roil = 0.60%的镜质反射率,而且由于火成活动而升高了值。近海的达勒姆(“地块”)演替由于“地块”下方的下泥盆纪Weardale花岗岩的接近而暴露在较高的温度和加热速率下,该石块在石炭纪时期被重新活化。这些地热条件不仅导致“块状”演替过程中海上的反射率水平更高,而且成熟岩层的梯度也比“盆地”煤中的海上梯度高,而且在镜质岩油反射率与煤的挥发物产量之间也形成了对比关系。对于两个结构区域,也可能对其他属性关系也是如此。由于以下三种情况,对反射率分布进行了修改:首先,由火成活动引起的反射率水平的局部变化很大;第二,由于砂状沉积物立即沉积在成煤有机质中的镜质母体前体上,因此镜质体反射率值降低;第三,可能是煤层内部或附近煤层中富锂质岩堆积物的干扰,这些沉积物相对较早地在煤化过程中渗出脂族物质,然后被镜质岩吸收,或者更有可能是在海洋/近海沉积了镜质岩前体。海洋和钙质丰富的环境,因此降低了煤化的反射率值。如果在石炭纪期间也将其重新活化,则可能是由北海高地上发现的下泥盆纪花岗岩体产生了与此处所述相似的对比性质关系。



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