首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Coal Geology >Economic coalbed methane production in the Canadian Foothills: Solving the puzzle

Economic coalbed methane production in the Canadian Foothills: Solving the puzzle


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The producibility of methane at economic rates from thick and very gassy coals in the Canadian Foothills and Mountains remains a major challenge. These structurally deformed, and often sheared, coals are generally characterized by low permeabilities, which is the main limiting factor restricting the flow of gas through natural fractures. A preliminary evaluation of the cleating in the coals and of the jointing in the interburden elastics was carried out in the Elkview mine of SE British Columbia. Field observations were supplemented by microscopic evidence on coal microtextures produced by shearing and their impact on coal permeability. Permeability of the coals tested at simulated in situ stress conditions and parallel to bedding surfaces was highly variable, ranging from 2.09 md in Seam 3, Greenhills mine, to less than 0.001 md in the sheared Seam 10, Elkview mine. This variation may be rationalized based on variations in maceral composition, stress history, degree of shearing, and the mode of deformation of the coal seams in these tectonically complex regions. Shearing gave rise to a variety of complex textures in coal, such as slickensides, shear cones and striated features, small-scale thrusts in the hangingwall, and brittle and ductile microtextures. Furthermore, the coal seams act as aquitards to the flow of water, most likely because of low permeability. Water flow occurs at the contact between coal and interbedded coarser elastics and within the highly fractured and jointed sandstone units. The cone of effective depressurization required for coal gas drainage to occur in the study area is influenced by: (a) the development of a joint system in the more competent clastic beds that would provide the high permeability pathways for water and gas, and (b) the ability of the rocks above the coals to re-pressurize as a result of either surface recharge or water flow both laterally and vertically within the succession. Therefore, multidisciplinary studies of hydrology, coalification history, and structure would help increase our understanding of the mechanisms and timing of cleat development, effect of shearing on coal permeability, and presence of systematic fractures in the non-coaly lithologies.
机译:以经济速度从加拿大山麓丘陵和山区的厚煤和高气煤生产甲烷仍然是一个重大挑战。这些结构变形且经常剪切的煤通常具有低渗透率的特征,这是限制天然气通过天然裂缝的主要限制因素。在不列颠哥伦比亚省东南部的Elkview矿山中进行了煤层解理和层间弹性连接的初步评估。野外观察得到了由剪切产生的煤微结构及其对煤渗透性的影响的微观证据的补充。在模拟的现场应力条件下且平行于顺层表面测试的煤的渗透率变化很大,范围从Greenhills煤矿的煤层3中的2.09 md到Elkview煤矿的剪切煤层10中的小于0.001 md。这些变化可以基于这些构造复杂区域中的矿物成分,应力历史,剪切程度以及煤层变形模式的变化而合理化。剪切作用使煤中产生了多种复杂的结构,例如,光滑面,剪切锥和条纹状特征,吊壁中的小推力以及脆性和韧性微结构。此外,煤层很可能成为水流的后盾,这很可能是因为渗透率低。水流发生在煤与层理较粗的弹性体之间的接触处,以及高度破裂和节理的砂岩单元内部。研究区域中发生瓦斯抽放所需的有效降压锥受到以下因素的影响:(a)在更有能力的碎屑岩层中建立联合系统,该系统将为水和天然气提供高渗透性途径,并且(b )煤层上方的岩石由于表面补给或水在连续的横向和垂直流动中重新加压的能力。因此,对水文,煤化历史和构造进行多学科研究将有助于我们进一步了解夹层发展的机理和时机,剪切对煤渗透性的影响以及非煤层岩性中系统性裂缝的存在。



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