首页> 外文期刊>International journal of architectural heritage >Dampness Problems In A Historic House In Izmir, Turkey

Dampness Problems In A Historic House In Izmir, Turkey


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The study, as a preliminary stage of the restoration work of a historic house from Levantine ages of Izmir in the nineteenth century, involves the examination of the dampness basement problems. Moisture contents and temperature of the wall surfaces were monitored by nondestructive techniques, such as direct measurements of electrical conductivity and infrared thermography. The results were evaluated in the light of physical properties, moisture, and soluble salt types and contents in the materials, outdoor, and indoor climatic conditions, layout of the site, and architectural features of the building. In addition to rising damp and lack of sufficient ventilation for years, some faulty details along the intersections with the terraces of the neighbor buildings, and intersection with the asphalt coated street and the basement windows that gave way for rainwater leaks were the other sources of dampness. Some cool but relatively dry parts of the walls were found to be potential zones for dampness problem through condensation between midnight and early mornings, especially in winter.
机译:这项研究是对19世纪伊凡尔(Izmir)黎凡特(Levantine)时期的历史建筑进行修复的初步阶段,涉及对潮湿地下室问题的研究。壁表面的水分含量和温度通过无损检测技术进行监测,例如直接测量电导率和红外热成像。根据材料的物理特性,湿度和可溶性盐类型和含量,室外和室内气候条件,场地布局以及建筑物的建筑特征对结果进行了评估。除了潮湿不断增加和多年来缺乏足够的通风外,与相邻建筑物的露台相交处,与沥青涂层的街道和地下室窗户相交处的一些故障细节也是导致雨水渗漏的原因。 。发现墙壁的一些凉爽但相对干燥的部分可能是由于午夜和清晨之间结露而引起潮湿问题的潜在区域,尤其是在冬天。



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