首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Logistics >Is it Feasible to Implement Green Logistics in Emerging Markets?

Is it Feasible to Implement Green Logistics in Emerging Markets?


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Smog in industrial zones, the depletion of the ozone layer, and global warming demonstrate exemplarily the harmful impact of business activities on environmental systems and the societies that act within them. Therefore, customers and many governments around the world are developing a more conscious andrespectful attitude toward the environment, turning environmental concerns into a central element of many companies' competitive strategies. As a result of these developments, the implementation of green logistics systems is gaining increasing importance worldwide. Green logistics practices, once considered proactive measures (Wu & Dunn 1995), are now integral part of many supply chains, and in many markets, their presence has become a requirement for doing business. Despite this, little is known about the current state of global practices in green logistics and obstacles of implementing them in an emerging market context. Led by the question "Is it feasible to implement green logistics in emerging markets? ", the main objectives of this article are to provide a summary of green logistics practices within a structured framework and to give an overview about the obstacles of implementing green logistics systems in emerging markets.
机译:工业区的烟雾,臭氧层的枯竭以及全球变暖示例性地证明了商业活动对环境系统和其中活动的社会的有害影响。因此,世界各地的客户和许多政府正在对环境发展出一种更加自觉和尊重的态度,将对环境的关注变成了许多公司竞争战略的核心要素。这些发展的结果是,绿色物流系统的实施在全球范围内变得越来越重要。绿色物流实践曾经被认为是积极的措施(Wu&Dunn 1995),现在已成为许多供应链的组成部分,在许多市场中,它们的存在已成为开展业务的必要条件。尽管如此,对绿色物流全球实践的现状以及在新兴市场环境中实施这些实践的障碍知之甚少。在“在新兴市场中实施绿色物流是否可行?”这一问题的带领下,本文的主要目标是在结构化框架内总结绿色物流实践,并概述实施绿色物流系统的障碍在新兴市场。



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