首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences >Analysis of Drought Patterns in Azraq Depression (AD), During the Period (1984-2016)

Analysis of Drought Patterns in Azraq Depression (AD), During the Period (1984-2016)


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The main goal of this research is to study the general morphometric, landscape characteristics depending on shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) for preparing digital elevation model (DEM), and monitor drought in Azraq depression (AD) by applying three different methods including: SPI, analyzing monthly rainfall records between 1984 - 2016 for 5 metrological stations. In addition to use inverse distance weighted (IDW); using Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx GIS.10.3 partically (Spatial interpolation), and normalized difference index of vegetation (NDVI) using Landsat (TM) images acquired in May 1984, and 2016. The main conclusions were reached: - 1. The dominated landforms are (valley and ridge), which formed 72% from all six landforms classes. 2. Only 1.6% classified as extremely wet, and most of the years faced with a near normal with 64% from all the study period (1980-2016). 3. the study area, in general, is facing drought, and the results show that only 3.3% from the study area have a yearly average rainfall between 161-190 mm. 4. NDVI Changes in terms of area and density, the vegetated area decreased by -9% during the period of (1984-2016).
机译:这项研究的主要目标是研究穿梭雷达地形任务(SRTM)的一般形态,景观特征,以准备数字高程模型(DEM),并通过应用三种不同方法来监测阿兹拉格q陷(AD)的干旱,包括:SPI ,分析了1984年至2016年之间5个计量站的月降雨量记录。除使用反距离加权(IDW)外;使用Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx GIS.10.3(空间插值),并使用1984年5月和2016年获得的Landsat(TM)图像归一化植被差异指数(NDVI)。主要结论是:-1.占主导地位的地貌是(谷和山脊),占所有六个地貌类别的72%。 2.只有1.6%的人被归类为极端潮湿,大多数年份几乎都处于正常水平,在整个研究期间(1980-2016年),这一比例为64%。 3.研究区域总体上面临干旱,结果表明,研究区域中只有3.3%的年平均降雨量在161-190 mm之间。 4. NDVI的面积和密度变化,植被面积在1984-2016年期间减少了-9%。



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