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Opportunities emerge on credit sell-off


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The recent sell-off in European credit markets has provided a swathe of arbitrage opportunities for investors looking to use the correction as an entry point, but some analysts are advising against jumping back into cash bonds just yet. While credit spreads widened across the board, the sell-off was particularly pronounced in the high-yield space as the iTraxx Crossover index pushed out to 299bp on August 8 - its widest level since mid-March. This came after a steady grind in for the index, which had more than halved from a high of 529bp during last year's taper tantrum to a multi-year low of 219bp in June. Volatility has also picked up sharply as the high-yield index has become the go-to credit hedge for many traders, with at the money three-month implied volatility at 61.4% on August 7 compared with 49.6% a month before, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch strategists.
机译:欧洲信贷市场最近的抛售为希望利用此修正作为切入点的投资者提供了大量套利机会,但一些分析师建议不要再回购现金债券。尽管信贷息差全面扩大,但高收益领域的抛售尤为明显,因为iTraxx Crossover指数在8月8日升至299bp,是自3月中旬以来的最高水平。在此之前,该指数一直处于稳定增长状态,该指数已从去年的锥度大发脾气期间的529bp的高位下降至6月的多年低点219bp,下降了一半以上。银行表示,高收益指数已成为许多交易者的首选信用对冲工具,波动性也急剧上升。截至8月7日的三个月货币隐含波动率为61.4%,相比之下,一个月前为49.6%。美林证券策略师。



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