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Fed rate rise to hit CLO equity


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An increase in US interest rates will hit returns for equity investors in CLOs, in another blow for a market grappling with regulation and an estimated 36% drop in issuance in 2016. The Federal Reserve raised interest rates Wednesday, which means returns for CLO equity holders will drop as the cost of liabilities increases, but loan yields will stay static thanks to 'Libor floors' on the leveraged loans they invest in. Libor rates will move higher when the US raises interest rates, Joseph Abate, a money market analyst at Barclays, said. Although floating rate loans pay a spread over Libor, Libor floors guarantee a minimum rate for loan investors.
机译:美国利率上升将打击CLO的股票投资者的收益,这又是市场对法规的争夺以及2016年发行量估计下降36%的又一打击。美联储周三提高了利率,这意味着CLO股权持有人的收益会随着负债成本的增加而下降,但由于投资的杠杆贷款的“伦敦银行同业拆借利率下限”,贷款收益率将保持不变。当美国加息时,伦敦银行同业拆借利率将上升,巴克莱(Barclays)货币市场分析师约瑟夫·阿贝特(Joseph Abate) , 说过。尽管浮动利率贷款支付了Libor的利差,但Libor最低保证金为贷款投资者提供了最低利率。



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