
NVH Testing on the Move


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Binaural recording and analysis is now much simpler and quicker to perform with the launch of Bruel & Kjaer's (UK) super-slim PDA-based tool, SoNoScout NVH. Created to record and analyse binaural sound for NVH development applications, the SoNoScout system is ideal for conformation of prototype or design performance changes, benchmarking of competitor vehicles and evaluating vehicle behaviour during on-road tests. Recording is carried out via two high-quality microphones which - for convenience and comfort - are mounted on to a pair of folding headphones. Immediately after recording, the stored data is available for replay and analysis. The saved data can be analysed on the PDA itself, transferred to the supplied PC software or even exported to other analysis systems, such as Bruel & Kjaer's PULSE data analyser. The PDA's display has large, simple icons making it easy - and safe - to control the start and stop of recordings, even whilst the operator is driving. "SoNoScout has been designed to provide engineers with complete flexibility," said Keith Vickers, Technical Specialist for Bruel & Kjaer UK. "It contains analogue and digital sound cards for recording with the supplied microphones or a head and torso simulator. It simultaneously stores audio and positional data through an included Global Positioning System (GPS) device. As well as route mapping, this also allows the user to plot vehicle speed during the recording.
机译:现在,借助Bruel&Kjaer(英国)的超薄PDA工具SoNoScout NVH的推出,双耳记录和分析现在变得更加简单快捷。 SoNoScout系统专为记录和分析用于NVH开发应用的双耳声音而设计,非常适合验证原型或设计性能变化,确定竞争对手的车辆基准并评估道路测试期间的车辆性能。录音是通过两个高品质的麦克风(为了方便和舒适)安装在一对折叠式耳机上进行的。记录后,立即可以使用存储的数据进行重放和分析。可以在PDA本身上分析保存的数据,将其传输到随附的PC软件,甚至可以导出到其他分析系统,例如Br​​uel&Kjaer的PULSE数据分析仪。 PDA的显示屏上有大而简单的图标,即使在操作员驾驶时,也可以轻松而安全地控制记录的开始和停止。 Bruel&Kjaer UK技术专家Keith Vickers表示:“ SoNoScout旨在为工程师提供完全的灵活性。 “它包含模拟和数字声卡,可使用随附的麦克风或头部和躯干模拟器进行录音。它通过随附的全球定位系统(GPS)设备同时存储音频和位置数据。除了路线图,这还允许用户在记录过程中绘制车速。



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